Follow Your Heart to Finding Your Own Path

Celina Rock
3 min readJul 19, 2023


Photo by Meike on Unsplash

Why do we always have to have everything all figured out? I am constantly asked what I want to be which I think is absolutely absurd. First off it shouldn’t be “what” you want to be, but “who” you want to be. Believe me there is a difference.

When we are asked “what” we want to be, we are asked what career title we want to have. But when we take a second to think about “who” we want to be, we are able to think more about who we are, and how we want the world to see ourselves.

Now I do have somewhat of an idea of who I want to be, like almost everyone does. I want the world to see me as a writer, not because I’ve been pressured into writing, but because writing brings me a sense of peace and serenity.

Isn’t that how every job should make you feel… I mean if you truly love it.

Now I may have an idea of what I want to do, but writing is so widespread, which creates a million other questions. What do I want to write? Fiction, Non-Fiction, Articles, Copy? Many of my close friends and family know that I want to write, but when they ask me what I want to write, my mind goes blank.

Why do I have to pick?

Can’t I just write what makes me feel like I am sitting on a balcony, staring out at the lake, sipping coffee?

We should be able to conquer it all in our careers, no matter what we choose. As human beings, we are constantly changing, therefore our jobs should be changing with us not the other way around.

When you get up every day and dread going into work, that is when you know you aren’t in the right place. Even if it’s hard, walking away just might be the better path for you. Truth is, we only get one life, and we need to be living it to our fullest.

Many people get stuck in a rut, working at a job that has no meaning to them, me included. The main reason for this is because we simply just get comfortable. We get used to our schedule; we get used to the people we’re working with, so we just stay put.

Afraid to jump all in and conquer our next adventure. By jumping in, we could be on our way to something wonderful, but we will never know unless we try.

I know this because this is me, struggling to follow my own heart to begin my path as a writer. I love writing, but putting yourself out there is the hardest part. So this is me pushing myself to no longer be miserable, writing for myself and hoping to inspire those who also need to feel more confident in doing what they are most passionate about.

Nothing is going to get better if you just sit there wishing for it to happen, so get up and make it happen for yourself. You aren’t going to know what you’re capable if you never try.

I suggest that you to jump in with me, as I am beginning to write my way to happiness. I challenge you to find what make your heart tick and just go do it. Even if you just start with baby steps, at least you’re doing something.

